Дела давно минувших дней. Лучшие из лучших для ИГ. 6 голосов
- The Eagle and The Radiant Cross
3 (5.5%)
- Shadow Rising - A Wheel of Time
1 (1.8%)
- Blood
1 (1.8%)
- Middle-earth countries (Сумерки Средиземья)
3 (5.5%)
- Star Wars: Conquest
6 (10.9%)
- Solid & Shade
2 (3.6%)
- Gangs Of Glasgow
1 (1.8%)
- Wedding Dance
10 (18.2%)
- Chronicles of Talera
1 (1.8%)
- Gloria Sinica Han Hun Total War
2 (3.6%)
- 1866 Western
5 (9.1%)
- Romance Of The Three Kingdom (Троецарствие)
- 0 (0%)
- Европа 17 век. Борьба за гегемонию
2 (3.6%)
- The Eagle and The Radiant Cross
- 0 (0%)
- Medieval Total War
- 0 (0%)
- The Peloponnesian War
3 (5.5%)
- Lords and Realms
1 (1.8%)
- Fire Arrow - Turn into an Inferno
- 0 (0%)
- Custom Settlements
3 (5.5%)
- France 1431
5 (9.1%)
- Wastelander mod
- 0 (0%)
- 1257 AD Middle Europe
5 (9.1%)
- Revenge of the Berserk
- 0 (0%)
- Expanded Gameplay III
1 (1.8%)
Всего голосов: 55
Голосование закончилось: 10 Января, 2023, 10:23